
Us. I Swear to Happiness This is Us. Inn Reall Life We know what to do ;/

What We Do For You

Need help??? Ask the 6 Google Girls!!!

Tips on dating, friend problems, family problems, ect. are found here!!!  Just post a comment and we'll answer!!!

This website is updated weekly!!!

Boy tips.. need to know :)

- What if your boyfriend is in love with your best friend? What do you say?

* Nothing. You don't want to act all depressed or snotty. Although, your actions kind  of depend on the way he ends up telling your or how you figure out. <> Technically, please comment your problems to 
[email protected] to send your problem, you can send a message and YOU may have your problem posted on this website anonymous and will have an answer to your very own question or situation if you want it to be.


- What if you are in love with your best friends boyfriend?

* Do NOT tell your best friend! She will think you are just jealous and trying to steal him thinking you are a false friend... Abbey has gone through this before so send an email to our page and I will reply, just write in the subj. box of your email Abbey, so I will be able to know this, and your problem may get the chance to be posted ;>

- How do you impress "THE" Guy??

* Easy. Don't be flirty, guys do not like flirty. If you reallly want him  to like you be yourself. Alot of girls tend to try to look better and talk all cute and make little laughs to try to get attention. Not Smart. Again email your prob. Also, guys really don't like girls who try to pass notes to them just saying HEY. this class sucks or something.. random is not good. ONE MORE TIP. guys absoulutely hate when girls are always hyper around them, sometimes is good but not all the time, to say hey is good but not HEYYYYY what is crackin lackkinnn? reallyyy abnoxiously :/